Reproducibility and Translation in Biomedical Research

Konferenz Atrium BIH, (Berlin, Germany)

Konferenz Atrium BIH,

Berlin, Germany

Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Straße 2, 10178 Berlin

Workshop for developing best practices in industry and academia partnerships

Translating research into practice is challenging, especially in biomedical research. This workshop aims to improve translational research strategies by sparking a dialogue on how to successfully set up translational projects between academia and industry

We will particularly focus on the robustness of evidence that underpins successful translation. Hence we want to discuss topics such as replication studies, result sharing, reliability of preclinical research, efficacy signals, and validity in research studies – all from a practical point of view by mapping the different roles and expectations of academia and industry in this process. 


This event is co-organised by 

in collaboration with EATRIS (Anne-Charlotte Fauvel, David Morrow).


The registration period has passed. 


Please reach out if you have any questions.



Heidi Seibold