Reproducibility and Translation in Biomedical Research

Konferenz Atrium BIH, (Berlin, Germany)

Konferenz Atrium BIH,

Berlin, Germany

Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Straße 2, 10178 Berlin

Workshop for developing best practices in industry and academia partnerships

Translating research into practice is challenging, especially in biomedical research. This workshop aims to improve translational research strategies by sparking a dialogue on how to successfully set up translational projects between academia and industry

We will particularly focus on the robustness of evidence that underpins successful translation. Hence we want to discuss topics such as replication studies, result sharing, reliability of preclinical research, efficacy signals, and validity in research studies – all from a practical point of view by mapping the different roles and expectations of academia and industry in this process. 


This event is co-organised by 

in collaboration with EATRIS (Anne-Charlotte Fauvel, David Morrow).


The registration period has passed. 


Please reach out if you have any questions.



Heidi Seibold
    • 18:00
      Pre-Workshop Dinner (open-end) Royals & Rice

      Royals & Rice

      Torstrasse 164, 10115 Berlin

      We would like to invite you for dinner and drinks. Meet us at a restaurant and get to know you fellow attendees! Have a look at the menu here:

    • 1
      Welcome Session Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Berlin, Germany

      Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Straße 2, 10178 Berlin

      In our welcome session the organizers will give you a short overview over what we have planned for you for the following days!

    • 2
      Aims and Scopes: What are our hopes for this workshop? Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Berlin, Germany

      Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Straße 2, 10178 Berlin

      perspectives of Roche + QUEST

      Speakers: Dr Alun Bedding (Roche), Natascha Drude (QUEST)
    • 10:05
      Coffee Break Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Berlin, Germany

      Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Straße 2, 10178 Berlin
    • Session: Open Innovation Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Berlin, Germany

      Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Straße 2, 10178 Berlin
      • 3
        Opening Up for Innovation - Empowering the next generation of innovators

        What is open innovation and how does it help those at the beginning of their professional journeys? We’ll look into the conditions and motivations of establishing educational programs for preparing ambitious individuals to be well-rounded, receptive, and creative and make the most out of interdisciplinary ecosystems.

        Speaker: Dr Joyce Kao (Digital Research Academy)
      • 4
        The EQIPD Quality System provides guidance towards research robustness

        Research robustness is a major goal for preclinical research and needs a common understanding among the stakeholders. The EQIPD Quality System provides the basis for communicating the principles and assures their implementation.

        Speaker: Dr Björn Gerlach (ZI Mannheim)
      • 5
        PRO-MaP: Promoting Reusable and Open Methods and Protocols in life sciences

        Detailed, accessible methods are essential for reproducibility, trust in science and scientific advancement; yet, many studies suggest that the reporting of methodological details in life sciences research publications is often incomplete. Our draft recommendations outline actions that four stakeholder groups, researchers, research institutions and departments, publishers and editors, and funders, can take to achieve these goals.

        Speaker: Dr Monica Piergiovanni (European Commission Directorate General Joint Research Centre)
      • 6
        Building Bridges – From Basics to Translation

        As a lab deeply rooted in basic tumor biology, setting out to translate results into (pre)clinical research has been and continues to be an exciting journey. Sharing our story, the lessons we have learned, the possibilities we have encountered, we offer a personal perspective on how to make it work, the benefit of building bridges and work together towards a common goal.

        Speaker: Dr Lars Björn Riecken (Leibniz Institute on Aging)
    • 11:55
      Lunch Break Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Berlin, Germany

      Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Straße 2, 10178 Berlin
    • Session: Reproducibility + Translation in ATMPS (EATRIS-led) Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Berlin, Germany

      Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Straße 2, 10178 Berlin
      • 7
        Building a first EU Ecosystem for Gene therapy development for rare diseases. The why and the how?
        Speaker: Dr David Morrow (Senior Scientific Program Manager ATMP EATRIS)
      • 8
        Workflow solutions for more efficient, reproducible, and standardized GT development to the clinic
        Speaker: Dr Eleni Papanikolaou (Strategic Lead– Miltenyi Biotech)
      • 9
        In depth product characterization of ATMPs, standardized assays for efficacy and safety and technology transfer to GMP
        Speaker: Dr Leila Amini (Head of Regulatory Affairs, Berlin Center for Advanced Therapies (BeCAT), Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin)
      • 10
        The need for biomarker platform according to GCLP guidelines to monitor therapy response
        Speaker: Dr Hans Dieter Volk (Senior Professor-Charite Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Inst.Med.Immunology)
    • 14:20
      Coffee Break Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Berlin, Germany

      Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Straße 2, 10178 Berlin
    • Discussion: World Café with topics submitted from participants Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Berlin, Germany

      Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Straße 2, 10178 Berlin

      During our Discussion & Round Table blocks we will discuss several topics concerning Reproducibility and Translation in smaller groups. We will collect ideas and strategies to move forward. If there are any specific topics you would like to discuss with the other attendees, please let us know via the registration form.

    • 16:00
      Coffee Break Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Berlin, Germany

      Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Straße 2, 10178 Berlin
    • Discussion: World Café with topics submitted from participants Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Berlin, Germany

      Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Straße 2, 10178 Berlin

      During our Discussion & Round Table blocks we will discuss several topics concerning Reproducibility and Translation in smaller groups. We will collect ideas and strategies to move forward. If there are any specific topics you would like to discuss with the other attendees, please let us know via the registration form.

    • Evening program: Drinks and Pitches Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Berlin, Germany

      Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Straße 2, 10178 Berlin

      Moving into the evening, we would like to hear your pitches for strategies for Reproducibility and Translation, which we will then discuss in a relaxed setting. We will use your ideas and topics from the first event day to inform the topics of the second event day.

      • 11
        Introduction to pitch session
        Speaker: Ulf Tölch
      • 12
        Pitch 1
        Speaker: Tim Errington
      • 13
        Pitch 2
      • 14
        Pitch 3
        Speaker: Heidi Seibold (Digital Research Academy)
      • 15
        Pitch 4
        Speaker: Angelina Lesnikova
      • 16
        Pitch 5
    • 18:30
      Food, Drinks, & Brainstorming Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Berlin, Germany

      Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Straße 2, 10178 Berlin

      While having dinner and drinks, we open the event up for all sorts of discussions and networking.

    • 17
      Recap Day 1 Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Berlin, Germany

      Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Straße 2, 10178 Berlin

      We collect the most important findings of Day 1 and decide which topics to focus on for our discussions on Day 2.

    • Discussion: Round Table Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Berlin, Germany

      Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Straße 2, 10178 Berlin

      During our Discussion & Round Table blocks we will discuss several topics concerning Reproducibility and Translation in smaller groups. We will collect ideas and strategies to move forward. If there are any specific topics you would like to discuss with the other attendees, please let us know via the registration form.

    • 10:05
      Coffee Break Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Berlin, Germany

      Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Straße 2, 10178 Berlin
    • Discussion: Round Table Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Berlin, Germany

      Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Straße 2, 10178 Berlin

      During our Discussion & Round Table blocks we will discuss several topics concerning Reproducibility and Translation in smaller groups. We will collect ideas and strategies to move forward. If there are any specific topics you would like to discuss with the other attendees, please let us know via the registration form.

    • 18
      Concluding Session Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Berlin, Germany

      Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Straße 2, 10178 Berlin

      In the concluding session we discuss our key findings and the strategy moving forward.

    • 12:35
      Lunch & Networking (open end) Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Konferenz Atrium BIH,

      Berlin, Germany

      Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Straße 2, 10178 Berlin