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DRA Train-the-Trainer program #3


Zoom Meeting ID: 929 8077 1670 Password: 241941

3rd Train-the-Trainer program of the Digital Research Academy. 

For more information, see 

We are excited to announce that we will run our third Train-the-Trainer (TTT) program starting in 2024. 

Based on popular request this program will run over several weeks in a seminar-style fashion and will be accessible for folks in different time zones. We will have sessions on Thursdays starting on January 25th and Tuesdays starting on January 30th. 


The TTT consists of 2 parts:

Part 1: Didactics
In this part we meet regularly online for 90-120 minutes (see schedule below):

  • Kick-off: Intro to DRA, how-to-trainer, determining sessions
  • Session with an expert on evidence-based training
  • TTT sessions where we teach each other (didactics sessions)

To finish part 1, each new trainer needs to participate in: 

  1. One Kick-Off session, 
  2. one evidence-based training session, 
  3. at least four didactics sessions, and 
  4. Creation + preparation of one didactics session. 

That means, you need to join approximately one session per week.

Part 2: Practicals
In this part we will put our new knowledge into practice by teaching a course. Courses may be taught alone or in pairs. The format and type of course can be chosen freely. At least two other trainers serve as peer reviewers and give feedback on the course.

To finish part 2, each new trainer needs to: (a) prepare and conduct a course, (b) work in the feedback of reviewers into the course, (c) publish the course materials as part of the Digital Research Academy resource collection, and (d) serve as reviewer of at least two courses of peers.

The Train-the-Trainer program is free for prospective trainers of the Digital Research Academy. If you want to participate in the TTT but not become a DRA trainer, please get in touch.

Applications are open until December 15th 2023.